IUBRS, the International University of Bio-Regenerative Sciences, defines Bio-Regenerative Sciences as a branch of Biology that has a vast potential in the area of rendering solution to improve overall health of mankind. The all-inclusive nature of biology as science needs more acknowledgement for its branch science; Medicine. As most of us know that ancient healing sciences such as the ancient Indian healing methods, ancient Egyptian healing methods or ancient Greek healing methods to mention a few, have all contributed to the conventional medicine that we know, recognize and trust as mainstream, allopathy or western medicine. This medicine has for years served us in managing symptomatic treatment alongside preventive medicine as well.

The faculty of IUBRS (please click on FACULTY to know further) went a step further to address the need for a higher learning institution to provide a platform to give rise to a niche area such as Bio-Regenerative Sciences to procure an avenue that conventional and mainstream educational institution would otherwise not or explore later to debate, challenge and constructively construct the knowledge body around Bio-Regenerative Sciences. Thanks to the investor-founders who have entrusted this path to the Faculty to deliver this platform to fellow candidates i.e. students of IUBRS, to explore Bio-Regenerative Sciences by abiding by the Competence Based Education (CBE) framework to evaluate realistic measurable outcome aligned to the students’ goal along with the IUBRS’s BRS development goal.

This platform created to provide learners a competence based education experience to achieve the institutional and personal goal as follows:

  • To provide a platform for Bio-Regenerative Sciences to acquire a frame enabling learners to explore a self-directed vision in directing knowledge acquisition in the field of Regenerative Medicine.
  • To enable learners to co-develop their competence within the measurable boundaries of the sciences to conceive a knowledge body in their niche area within the Bio-Regenerative Sciences.
  • To allow extensive dialogue to spark and grow between Faculty, fellows and candidates in the direction of constructing the Bio-Regenerative Sciences content and discipline divisions as a product of interaction and scientific augmentation.

Bio-Regenerative Sciences (BRS)

“Competency-based education (CBE) is an approach to preparing physicians for practice that is fundamentally oriented to graduate outcome abilities and organized around competencies derived from an analysis of societal and patient needs. It deemphasizes time-based training and promises greater accountability, flexibility, and learner centred-ness.”

Frank, 2010.


Candidates will perform supervised studies around the Regenerative Sciences Protocol across their research setting & submit reports progressively across 18 months along with subjects as in the course breakdown to acquire the Competency Based Education Outcome e.g. Credit Hours of Academic and Practical Work.



Candidates will perform supervised studies around the Regenerative Sciences Protocol across their research setting & submit reports progressively across 30 months along with subjects as in the course breakdown to acquire the Competency Based Education Outcome e.g. Credit Hours of Academic and Practical Work.

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